Metallica - Ride the Lightning (Pitch Corrected E Standard)

Metallica’s second album Ride the Lightning (1984) isn’t tuned to E standard - A=440hz tuning, but is actually slightly sharp, some songs more than others. The album was seemingly recorded at too slow of a speed, and when mastered at normal playback speed, this causes the album to become sharp. While there are other albums with this problem, most prominent being Billy Joel’s Cold Spring Harbor (1971), Ride the Lightning is unique in that each song is sharp by a different amount. This leads me to believe that the problem was caused by power fluctuations to the studio, leading to the variations in recording speeds. Or perhaps, as many people have pointed out, it was simply sped up in post to make it sound faster and thrashier. I haven’t been able to find any confirmation of this (or of recording issues for that matter), but it wasn’t an unheard of practice back in the 80’s. When the speed and pitch are adjusted to match E standard, the whole album comes out sounding richer.
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