TAIWAN | 8K 60 看見台灣

讓世界看見8K畫質下的台灣 歡迎公開分享,讓更多的人看見台灣 To Bring Taiwan To The World Under A 8K Resolution Welcome to share the video to let more people see the beauty of Taiwan 大家好,我來自馬來西亞 在2015年時,到台灣留學四年 完成學業的同時,也完成了縮時台灣 留學四年期間走遍台灣,到各地拍攝 超過10萬公里的旅程,足以環島一百次 背負二十幾公斤的器材上山下海 只為了紀錄最美麗的台灣 Hello everyone, I am from Malaysia In 2015, I went to Taiwan to study for four years At the same time as completing my studies, I’ve also completed the time-lapse shooting of Taiwan During these four years, I’ve traveled all over Taiwan and took
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