Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure (2022) - Aliens, UFOs, Telepathy, Consciousness & Hybrids.

Hold on tight as experiencers and experts blow your mind with aliens, UFOs, telepathy, consciousness, and hybrids. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind’s existence. Hold on tight as experiencers and experts blow your mind with aliens, UFOs, telepathy, consciousness, and hybrids. For as with all things paramount to humanity’s survival when the issues and interests reach a boiling point the masses will enact change. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind’s existence. Hold on tight as experiencers and experts blow your mind with aliens, UFOs, telepathy, consciousness, and hybrids in Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure. Directors: Chris Ruppert, Tyler Transue Cast: Clifford Mahooty, Su Walker, Otter Walker, Anjali, S.A. . Lampy1947 ____________________________ The UNIDENTIFIED YouTube channel offers official movie trailers and free full films online. Come here for UFO sightings,
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