I ain’t got nobody, Red MacKenzie 1929

I ain’t got Nobody McKenzie Red 1929 Here’s how Red Mckenzie tells of the birth of The Mound City Blue Blowers. In 1923, Red “was back in his home town, St. Louis, the ’Mound City’ from which the Blue Blowers got their name. “I was a bellhop in the Claridge Red said, “. . . and across the street was a place called Butler Brothers Soda Shop. Dick Slevin worked there and there was a little colored shoe-shine boy who used to beat it out on the shoes. Had a phonograph going. I passed with my comb, and played along. Slevin would have liked to play a comb but he had a ticklish mouth, so he used a kazoo. He got fired across the street and got a job in a big soda store. He ran into Jack Bland, who owned a banjo (now known for his guitar), and one night after work they went to his room. He and Slevin started playing. They got me. Gene Rodemich’s was a famous band at that time. His musicians used to drop in at the restaurant where we hung out. They were impressed and t
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