At one point Twista had a nose ring? :o
So this isn’t a legit song by Twista, it’s actualy the intro to Mista Tung Twista (by Twista). But the lyrics are from Runnin’ off at Da Mouth(also obviously by Twista), so I just fused the two together.
I do not own the lyrics/music/video, I just edited them.
Watch the lyrical flow!
Oh, this dope rhythm I throw be pump-pump-pumpin em up in the mind
And be bringin em up into hypeness
This funky tempo I throw, I know that I be slappin the dope hypeness up in em
And then I’ma bend em a lyrical rhythm
I throw with the tongue, be leavin em hung among
This style I be throwin to tangle the mind of a sucker
Then label it lyricalism
And scopin em in a prism
And givin a lyrical flow that will fizz em
I tackle a rhythm and break it up, only my lyric was left
My Tung Twista is def first, let me take a deep breath
Flowin the lyrical magic of mine I be moppin and sweepin
And breakin em up and then makin em break in a sweat
I be makin em jump and then sit up and lift the style
I be kickin and poppin the rhythm I’m rockin and pumpin
The lyrics I put up inside em be makin em rock
And a flow of the rhythm I’m bringin into the mic
I’m gonna give em a concept,
5 months ago 00:01:11 1
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