How To Build 12 GPU Mining Rig w/ RX 570 8gb - 380 mh/s ETH + 8400 hashes XMR

There are some exciting cryptocurrency projects to mine that are dominated by AMD graphics cards, today we are building a 12x RX 570 8gb GPU Mining Rig tuned for maximum hashrate! AMD RX 570 Mining SHOWN GPU on Amazon - Full 12x Card GPU Mining Rig Build Parts List as shown Graphics Cards RX 570 8gb MSI Armor MK2 shown - RX 570 8gb in Stock on Amazon - RX 580 8gb in Stock on Amazon - Mining Rig Frame Mining Cave 12x GPU rig Frame Shown - Alternative 12 GPU Mining Rig Frame - PCIE Risers (needed if you do not use Mining Cave Frame) Motherboard H110 BTC Pro 13 GPU motherboard SHOWN - Alternative 12 GPU Mining Motherboards - CPU G4400 shown - G390 alternative - RAM Crucial Ballistix Sport 4gb DDR4 2400 - http://g
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