IT’S OVER! Biden and Harris are IMPLODING!!!

►JUST A FEW SEATS LEFT! Don’t miss our Virtual gathering of New Conservative Patriots on November 12th and 13th! Register today at ———————————————————————— ★★★ YOUR PATRIOT PATH TO FREEDOM! ★★★ It’s over! You’re not going to believe how bad it is for both Brandon and Kackles in the latest USA Today poll! It’s worse than any Democrat could have imagined! We’re going to look at that poll, we’re going to analyze it in light of several other polls that have just come out, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll show you why 2022 may indeed represent a purge of BOTH Democrats and feckless RINOs like we’ve never seen before, you are NOT going to want to miss this! ———————————————————————— WATCH NEXT: Ex-NYT Reporter CRUSHES CNN on LIVE TV!!! ———————————————————————— ✅ What is CRT? Where does
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