Quran: 25. Surat Al-Furqan (The Criterion): Arabic and English translation

Download videos, mp3 and PDF: The Holy Quran 25. Surat Al-Furqan (The Criterion) Arabic and English translation and transliteration ✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ -✷ - Period of Revelation Mecca This surah has 77 ayat. The name Al-Furqan, or “The Criterion“ refers to the Qur’an itself as the decisive factor between good and evil. The Surah deals with the doubts and objections that were being raised again
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