Practice English PHRASAL VERBS with this game

If you’re learning English, you know how hard it is to learn phrasal verbs. It feels like there are thousands of them to remember! What if I told you I’ve found a way to incorporate learning phrasal verbs into a little game you can play with your friends? In this video, I will show you how to do it. Not only can my version of the game help you have a bit of fun while learning, but it will also challenge your memory and speed. It’s easy to learn, and you can do it with a friend either in person or online. So watch the video, and challenge your friends to a game. You might even learn a few things from them! Take the quiz on this video: Next, watch this video that will teach you my “WORD WEBS“ method for learning 10x the amount of vocabulary: TRANSCRIPT Concentration. It is necessary to be really good at what you’re doing. I wonder if we can play a game today. Hi. James from engVid. I was reading a book on concentration, and it dawned on me... And “to dawn on you“ means I understood something that a lot of times when we play games, we concentrate, we really concentrate, we enjoy it and we learn a lot. And what I’m thinking today is that I would like to teach you a game that could help you concentrate and learn grammar easily and make it fun. I know that sounds like that doesn’t make sense, it’s like opposites, but bear with me. Stay with me and let’s see where we go. Okay? So, Mr. E’s playing a game. Some of you know this as tic-tac-toe, some of you know it as Xs and Os, and I’m going to use this game here to help you learn phrasal verbs. Very difficult subject for a lot of people, and today I hope to make it easy and fun. You will be able to do this by yourself and do it with a friend or family, or other students. You ready? Let’s go to the board. Because as E says, he wins and you can, too. So, first I’m going to look at is preposition, and I’m going to pick one. Because when we play this game of Xs and Os, you can see the board is here, we’re going to play and I’m going to teach you how to use this preposition with these verbs to create phrasal verbs. Now, one of the things we want to do is figure out what “up“ means. You don’t have to do this. You can just go in... You’re on the internet, and you could look up these verbs, and see, you know, the phrasal verb “pull up“, what does it mean? “Pick up“, “close up“, but today I’m going to help you with “up“. We actually have a video with phrasal verbs on it, or many videos, where you can go and research and find out what these ones mean and other ones. And I believe I did one that gives you a method for “up“, “down“, and other phrasal verbs. Go check it out. . Right? So: “up“. “Up“ can mean more. Okay? “Increase“, “closer“, “improve“, “finish“, or “end“. So, when you know that “up“ can mean these things, it means when we use these words here, we add “up“, it will change the meaning of each word and give it a new meaning with the two words combined. For instance: “pull up“. When we pull up it means to get closer, so when an English-speaking person says to you: “Please pull up a chair“, it means get a chair and sit close with us. “Pull up“ means closer, move closer. “Pick up“. “Pick up“ has several meanings but I’m not going to go into all of them. I’m going to give you one that you can use now. If you say: “I will pick you up at 4 o’clock or 5“, it means I will come to a place you are at, meet you, and we will go together. A lot of times when someone says “pick you up“ it means they will either have a taxi or a car, and they will take you, transport you with them. That’s why they’re picking you up, or they would say: “I would come to your house“. “Close up“, when you close up a store it means to shut, finish, and you end the work, so you close the door and go home. “We going to close up at about 6 o’clock.“ We will finish working about 6 o’clock. “Lift up“, well, this pen, lift it up. We could say it more, and I should have added “move“, right? Because when you lift something up, you take it from a lower position, you put it to a higher position. “Brighten up“. “Brighten up“ means to go bright, so we go from... Well, let’s look here: Purple, this is brightened up. It’s not clean, it’s not perfect, but it’s brighter. Right? So “brighten up“ means to give more light. Or it could mean make happier. “He brightened up at the prospect of going out.“ He got happier. “Hold up“ means to make wait. If you’re saying: “What’s holding up the train?“ It means: “Why is the train staying here? Why is it waiting?“ “Shot up“, it means to go straight up. “The rock got shot up into the sky“. “Clean up“ means to clean. “Let’s clean up the room.“ Let’s clean it up, make it better. In this case, improve the condition of the room. “Take up“ means review. […]
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