Stressball - Dust (1993) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Official video for “Dust“ by Stressball. This vid was on YouTube for a while, but it’s disappeared, so here it is again. Stressball was a band that a bunch of my old buds were in: Steve Gaille (RIP), Lennon Laviolette (RIP), Eddie Dupuy, & Joe Fazzio. They practiced next door to my death metal band Apostasy in the infamous Green Warehouse in New Orleans, & we played some killer shows together. We’d hang out in each others’ jam rooms, drinking Newcastle & Chimay, while smoking copious amounts of powerful hydroponic marijuana. Joe & Eddie had been in Crawlspace (w/ Mike Williams of Eyehategod) before Stressball formed. The “Dust“ video appeared on European MTV. The video was filmed at the Green Warehouse by Mike Savoie (ex- Shell Shock bassist). Exhorder, Graveyard Rodeo, Paralysis, & Slugs (pre-Crowbar) also practiced there. Stressball’s room was two doors down from ours. You’ll see Joe playing drums in that room in the video. They shared their rehear
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