Woah Dude

I put this video together in 2019 and then forgot to upload it. Where possible, I put the slinkinator’s name in both Chinese characters and pinyin, and country of origin. If I couldn’t find their name, I left it blank. Note - by East Asian custom, the first name listed is the surname (family name), what we in English speaking countries call the “last name“. All videos except the first one were found on (a free Chinese video streaming site similar to YouTube) by searching for 彩虹圈 (cǎihóng quān), the Chinese word for slinky. Fun fact: it literally translates as “rainbow circle“. The first video, which was the first video of slinky manipulation I ever saw, and inspired me to pick up a slinky back in 2015, is from RainbowPoopUnicorn on YouTube: Want to see more videos of incredible slinky manipulators? Check out the subreddit and Facebook group: Follow me where I
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