Kola Peninsula | Wikipedia audio article

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Kola Peninsula 00:04:01 1 Geography 00:04:10 1.1 Location and overview 00:05:48 1.2 Natural resources 00:06:27 1.3 Climate 00:08:15 1.4 Flora and fauna 00:10:26 1.5 Hydrology 00:11:12 1.6 Nuclear waste and pollution 00:12:53 2 History 00:13:02 2.1 Early history 00:14:27 2.2 Novgorodians 00:18:17 2.3 Russian settlement 00:21:38 2.4 Soviet and modern periods 00:24:45 3 Population 00:26:07 4 Economy 00:26:16 4.1 Historical background 00:30:12 4.2 Modern
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