Carlo Giustini & Toni Dimitrov - Centauro

Carlo Giustini & Toni Dimitrov - Centauro, from PANICDEMIA Compilation (vital009) October 2020 © élan vital recordings Directed by Toni Dimitrov Support us by buying the digital album or the limited edition CD at the labels bandcamp page Panicdemia, a Pandemic of Fear: A pandemic is based on facts, a panicdemic is based on fears. And this is what we faced, more than half a year ago. Closed in home prison, mankind has been locked in the name of the self-proclaimed elite. A common denominator has been found for many people – fear, and it was used to bring humanity under control. Besides, fear is a tremendous strong motive for human action, and fear of death is probably the strongest emotion. The strategy is clear: one should be frightened and through the fear to become helpless and obedient. And all this for our own good. The goal is more than obvious, absolute obedience. We must understand that this pandemic of lies and fear and false protection from the ‘invisible enemy’, does not lead us to health and the preservation of life, but to the loss of freedom, and complete new totalitarian rule. Although lockdowns have not proved effective, and may even have delayed the development of immunity, the global government has been in a race to see who can cause the most dramatic removal of basic constitutional liberties. Another much bigger danger is looming, the collapse of the economic system, as panic caused the biggest crash so far on the stock exchange, followed by unemployment, enormous inflation, currency devaluation and impoverishment. And chaos will ensue, then even more totalitarian measures are threatening. The fear of the ‘invisible enemy’ is paired with hysteria and panic spread through the media. Statistically counting deaths, this led to a tremendous hype, which increased worldwide to the current mass hysteria and resulting in global panic and a PANICDEMIA, pandemic of fear. PANICDEMIA Compilation, the first labels various artists compilation is gathering the élan vital recordings roster artists, in fight with the biggest world media PANICDEMIA. The tracks have been produced during this pandemic of fear and the forced house arrest, and are dedicated to this medieval totalitarian measure, expressing the feelings while locked, but also presenting the future sound preferences of the label.
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