The fastest PURIFICATION of Karma of the GENUS and Filling with ANCESTRAL POWER | Removes NEGATIVITY

Ancestral or family karma is the “debt“ of energy at a certain stage of the development of the genus. By filling yourself and your bloodline with cosmic energy, you fill yourself and your family with energy, and the family becomes stronger and more powerful. After all, healing the bloodline is a real process. One of the ways to fill it is by listening to this video program. The cosmoenergetic music in this video program is recorded on the frequency “Energy of the Genus“. This frequency is filled with the power of the ancestors. With its help, you will clear the ancestral ties, remove parasitic entities in the ancestral channels. This video program also removes negativity from the aura, cleanses the chakras and subtle bodies. And with the help of the runic formula “Ancestral Bond“ you will get practical liberation of yourself and your kind from energy debts that interfere with evolution and hinder spiritual development. After the first full listening, you will establярослава багирова
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