.: In honor of Giorgi Tevzadze ( M5 e34 Georgian Street-Drifter )

EDIT 2 : Paul Walker, who also died on the passenger seat unfortunately. We will miss you EDIT: Gio´s son was born a couple days ago. Hopefully, he will grow up well, however, without his father :( Giorgi Tevzadze died in a car accident. He was sitting in the passenger seat of the BMW M5 when the car lost control and hit a tree with the right side. He was a illegal, famous street drifter/racer, however, he deserves respect. Dont call him bad names, he was a good guy who never hurt anyone. I made this movie because I think that he deserves to be remembered due to his unbelievable driving. I am still really upset about the knowledge of his death. RIP GIO SONG NAME: Kontrafakt-Pockaj tam na nas hore
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