Russian lady attacks a Ukrainian woman after trampling on Ukrainian symbols

A Ukrainian woman was passing by the Russian embassy in Stockholm when she saw an elderly lady (who turned out to be Russian) throwing Ukrainian symbols around and trampling them, so she decided to confront her. Original video and post by Helga Kayda: “My day today started with meeting this lovely russian lady who was throwing away Ukrainian symbols and stepping with her feet on a Ukrainian flag. It was near the Russian embassy in Stockholm, on my way home. I stopped and started making pictures. She approached me herself and started verbally attacking me. Then I turned on my camera and asked why is she doing this. The reply was because I am a nazi, a prostitute, I look ugly, my clothes are cheap, and I will die soon. Then my battery died. I wonder, when will all of them die so that my country could finally live? 😢🙏💙💛 By “them“ I mean those who have occupied Ukraine, bombing apartment blocks
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