Louis Hayes - Exactly Right! | Exactly Right! Album Preview

Savant Records April 2023 New Release Announcement Louis Hayes - Exactly Right! -- Available April 21st! The first single “Exactly Right!“ is available now! Listen to the first single and Pre-Order the album here: Louis Hayes’ music is full of life and humanity. It is sometimes refreshingly simple and sometimes intricately complex, sometimes light, sometimes dark, but it is always interesting and consistently engaging. Through it all, Louis Hayes has always remained indefatigably optimistic and his latest Savant release is all those things. Throughout the album Hayes, a 2023 NEA Jazz Master, coaxes concise, well-conceived tracks from his players where everybody swings with loads of feeling, and no self-indulgence. From the first note to the last Hayes creates performances that take veteran jazz listeners into deep jazz waters while at the same time allowing recent converts to safely wade into the invigorating flow of ideas.
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