NAPALM DEATH - Unchallenged Hate (Live)

Napalm Death en vivo (1988). Descargando el tema Unchallenged Hate del disco From Enslavement To Obliteration (1988) Lee Dorrian (voz), Bill Steer (guitarra), Shane Embury (bajo) y Mick Harris (bateria). * * * * * * * AGUANTE NAPALM * * * * * * * ◄◄◄Letra►►► A chronic complaint of dimness Prevails your profound ideology A romantic vision of a “master race“ Attained through coercive forms of authority Your observance is negligence If you see the threat from different cultures We’re all in this sinking ship All of us together Where does the white man stand? Where does the black man stand? Where do we all fucking stand? KNEE DEEP IN THE SHIT! Look into yourself And you’ll find the real oppressor To a life of unchallenged hate It’s you who’s the nigger! ◄◄◄Stay@Brutus►►►
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