Live Session 59: Dawless Vocal House Jam | TD-3, RD-6, Waldorf Streichfett, Arturia Beatstep Pro
___ Live Session 59 ___
A 100% dawless House Jam recorded live with the Arturia Beatstep Pro, behringer CAT, behringer RD-6, behringer TD-3, behringer vintage phaser VP1, behringer vintage delay VD400, behringer ultra chorus UC200, behringer compressor sustainer CS400, behringer compressor limiter CL9, Sonicake Crybot autowah, vivlex flanger, Line6 M5 Stompbox, Sure SM58, behringer Xenyx 1002. đđ
___ About this session ___
Genre : Dawless Vocal House
Title : Let Me Tell You
The only programmed gear is the Arturia Beatstep Pro, it controls the behringer RD-6, the behringer TD-3, the behringer TD-3 and the Waldorf Streichfett.
All drums are all played by behringer RD-6.
Bass Drum output goes directly into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Clap output goes into the behringer compressor limiter CL9 and then into the behringer Xenyx 1002 also.
Main output with all other instruments (Snare, Toms, Hihats, Cymbal) goes into vivlex flanger and then into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Bass is played by the behringer CAT.
The audio output goes into the behringer vintage phaser VP1 and then into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Mono synth is played by the behringer TD-3.
The audio output goes into the Sonicake Crybot autowah, then into the behringer vintage delay and finally into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Chords & pads are played by the Waldorf Streichfett.
Left and right audio outputs goes directly into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Voice goes through the Sure SM58 microphone, then into the behringer ultra chorus, then into the behringer compressor sustainer and finally into the behringer Xenyx 1002.
Line6 M5 Stompbox is used as send effect on the Xenyx 1002, with the Spring reverb on.
The audio session is recorded live with Reason 12.
The video session is recorded live with GoPro 9, and Edited with Da Vinci Resolve 18.
Enjoy this session! đ
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#livesession #vocalhouse #deephouse #house #electro #audiotechnicaathm50x #montorgueilrecords #musique #musiqueelectronique #electronicmusic #arturiabeatsteppro #behringer #behringerrd6 #behringertd3 #behringercat #waldorfstreichfett #focusritescarlett2i2 #behringerxenyx1002 #behringerevintagedelay #behringercompressorlimitercl9 #behringercompressorsustainercs400 #behringerultrachorusuc200 #behringervintagephaservp1 #line6m5stompbox #soniccakecrybotautowah #vivlexflanger
___ All the gear used during this session ___
Synths & Drum machines:
- The behringer CAT
- The behringer RD-6
- The behringer TD-3
- The Waldorf Streichfett
- The behringer vintage phaser VP1,
- The behringer ultra chorus UC200
- The behringer vintage delay VD400
- The behringer compressor limiter CL9
- The behringer compressor sustainer CS400
- The Line6 M5 Stompbox
- The vivlex flanger
- The Soniccake crybot autowah
Interfaces & others:
- The Arturia beatstep pro
- The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 V1
- The Audio-Technica ATH-M50 X WH Studio headphones
- The behringer Xenyx 1002
- The Kenton Thru-5 multi MIDI outputs
- The GoPro9
___ About this channel ___
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