Graze the Roof Fusion Collab
The Zombies prezent a fewshin colab made in just undr forty ate hourz...
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Audio: 600billionlazer, Albert Softie, Aps17, atohacya, belungawhale, Blook, BobTheTacocat, C-Man, Crawvian, Dannver, DDA, Gonovo, gsgoat, Heapons, Heboyi, IzzyKart57, lollo, Melwyne, Memmy, miiwii, Mikroscopic, Myeauxyoozi, Navag8r, Navid_d, Nupero, Pan, pixelsword_, QoDaX, rippergirl, SharkFaceGaming, SonicFan53, Sponge Lord, SSQMinky, Tina the Cyclops girl, TurretBot, XYSam
Visuals: 600billionlazer, Albert Softie, atohacya, BobTheTacocat, DDA, Elsix64, gsgoat, Heapons, IzzyKart57, mBluett, Mikroscopic, minindo, Myeauxyoozi, Navid_d, Nutshinou, PBandJam, SSQMinky, Vincent Mashups
Writers: 600billionlazer, Albert Softie, atohacya, axological, Crawvian, Heboyi, lollo, Melwyne, Memmy, miiwii, Navid_d, pixelsword_, QoDaX, Sponge Lord, SSQMinky, TheBeastlyPichu, TurretBot
Video: 600bi