PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL: How to use Histogram and Curves to Repair Faded Images.

In this tutorial, I show how to read and use a Histogram to restore faded photographs in Adobe Photoshop. One that’s established we use Curves, which is Histogram based, to restore this faded photograph to its former glory. In essence a Histogram functions much like a bar chart, and is designed to show a graphical representation of the light and dark percentages of an image. On the furthest left side are the values of absolute darkness and on the furthest right, the lightest values of the image. There is no such thing as a ’correct’ histogram, as such, as every single image will provide a different histogram. That being said, there are a few potential issues which i didn’t go into for this tutorial but i’ll bring up here. Clipping is the primary issue that you may run into and that’s when the contrast in certain areas of the image have been crushed to the point where values of darks and lights are unable to be scene. This can usually be shown by extremely high
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