Michael “Big Short“ Burry: This Is The Greatest Bubble Of All Time In All Things

This week, none other than legendary investor Michael Burry made a comeback on his Twitter account to share another apocalyptic warning about overvalued markets and the epic asset bubble burst that is about to be triggered by rampant inflation and higher interest rates. Earlier this year, the investor alerted that the U.S. was on the path to face Weimar-like hyperinflation, he argued that government monetary policies were “inviting inflation“ by adding trillions of stimulus money to the financial markets, overlooking the national debt, and fueling consumer demand in times when employee and supply chain costs have been skyrocketing. Burry argued that America will face a major paradigm shift that can only be compared to what happened to Germany in the 1920s. And up until this point, his forecast is seeming worryingly accurate. During that period, Germany’s markets and businesses were booming, just as we’re seeing happening in the U.S. right now, with the demand for goods and assets much greater than the avail
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