Hoover Enjoys Rest On Warship Before Resuming Cares Of Office (1931)

Unused / unissued material - no paperwork - dates unclear or unknown. Title reads: “Hoover Enjoys Rest On Warship Before Resuming Cares of Office.“ American Voiceover. Introductory intertitle reads: “Editor’s Note: Taking a brief respite from his arduous duties the President decided to visit Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands on a vacation tour aboard the USS Arizona. The battleship is shown here taking on supplies at Norfolk for the trip.“ Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America. Various shots of American navy battle ship, USS Arizona, in the naval dockyard. Intertitle reads: “Under way to Hampton Roads to pick up the White House party.“ The USS Arizona, which carries a small biplane at the stern, sets off out of the harbour. Members of the marine contingent are lined up on deck. Intertitle reads: “President Hoover, with Sec’y of War Hurley and Sec’y of Interior Wilbur, boards the Admiral’s barge.“ The party, including President Herbert C Hoover walk down to boat. Flypast of biplane
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