Parivrtta Trikonasana

The upright triangle, Utthita Trikonasana, creates a potent energetic pattern of reaching between earth and sky. The revolved triangle, Parivrtta Trikonasana, is spun in an opposing direction, and allows us to gaze into the shadow of that pattern and to feel into its slowly fading resonance. This means that the revolved triangle is not really about itself, but about allowing us to feel into its opposite, its better half, the upright triangle, with deeper awareness. And were the revolved triangle to break out on its own, the earth and sky might not respond so well, and the deeper connection that the upright triangle more naturally sustains might then be missed. So the triangle and revolved triangle really need one another. Unless experienced in their mutual relationship, they are sadly incomplete. Taking them together deepens our sense of embodiment, by allowing us to feel the profound continuity between what otherwise might appear as disparate shapes. And Ashtanga Vinyasa has this brilliant patt
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