The Dead Cvlt - All Hope Is Lost (Official Video)

It was inevitable. Rotterdam, the city where punk was too punk to properly document itself. Rotterdam, the city responsible for putting hardcore drum and bass on the global map. That the illicitly separated realms of punk and drum and bass would one day collide in a supernova of beats and guitars seemed both impossible and inevitable for a long time. Until now. THE DEAD CVLT presents ALL HOPE IS LOST. A pure mix of old-school drum and bass, misanthropic black metal, pounding blast beats and ear-piercing noise terror. Vocalist Gareth de Wijk, . Thrasher explains: “All Hope Is Lost is the prime example of our love for all forms of extreme music, be it based on guitars or on electronics. The anti-authoritarian spirit is always there, and you can hear it if you know how to listen.” ALL HOPE IS LOST is the first track to be released of their five track EP entitled THE CATACLYST, coming mid-May on the Rotterdam based label PRSPCT RECORDS. This EP violently gravitates from faster-than-the-speed-
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