Supermax - Just Before The Nightmare (1988) [Full album]
A1 Just Before The Nightmare 00:00
A2 Reggaesize 04:43
A3 We’ve Got The Rhythm 09:50
A4 Just A Little Bit More 14:36
B1 Goodtimes 19:47
B2 Purple People 24:32
B3 Oi Dibango 28:51
B4 People From The Other Side 35:41
All titles composed and arranged by Kurt Hauenstein exept
by Willi Schneider.
Lyrics by D. Hauenstein.
Musicians: K. Hauenstein: Leadvocals-, -bass, Keyboard-
Computerprogramming Curt Cress: Drums Percussions.
Willi Schneider: Keyboard-Computerprogramming, Berny Lok-
ker:Guitars, Rainer Marz: Mouthbox-Guitar.
Vocals: Victoria Miles, Freda E. Goodlett, Nadine Holloway.
Recorded at Weriton Studios, Satelitestudio, Power Sound
Factory, engeneered by Ulli Rudolf.
Benno Grodon, Peter Koller, Axel Frank, mixed by Ulli Rudolf.
Digitalschnitt: Manfred Hummel.
HAGA records
A-2544 Leobersdorf, Südbahnstraße 23, Tel. 00 43 22 56/39
20, Fax: 00 43 22 56/39 116.
Cover designed by Knud Tiroch.
A product of Supermax Enterprises produced by Kurt Hauenstein for HAGA-Records.
Label: HAGA Records
Year: 1988
Genre: Electronic, Rock, Reggae, Pop
Style: Pop Rock, Disco, Reggae
German disco-rock fusion project by Austrian artist Kurt Hauenstein (1949-2011), founded in 1976 in Frankfurt. He scored a hit with ’Love Machine’ from the “World Of Today“ LP.
Supermax’s band was the first “multiracial“ band to tour South Africa. Despite near constant death threats, the group played 21 shows causing quite a political scene and earned Kurt “no-entry“ status to several countries.