Model Railway (1953)

Model Railway. London. M/S Woman (Mrs Shaw) working at lathe, she stops it and undoes the chuck, she removes a model engine set of wheels which she has been turning. M/S Woman walking out of the room. M/S Man (Fleetwood Shaw) sitting at desk in another room, woman walks in and hands him the wheel. C/U Taking the wheels in his hands, and placing them on the engine he is making. C/U His face as he works. M/S He places the engine on the track at the back of the desk. C/U He places the engine on the track at the back of the desk, then engine moves forwards and then backwards. M/S Man removes it from the track and walks out of the room. M/S Man walking upstairs. M/S Walking into attic where large amount of railway lines are set out, he goes to place the newly made engine on the track. M/S He walks back to the controls. C/U Engine starts to move in reverse. M/S Man watches it as it reverses to a line of trucks and connects up with them. It begins to draw the trucks away in a foreword direction. C/U Express
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