11 - Use Tensorflow to Classify Handwritten Digits

11 - Use Tensorflow to Classify Handwritten Digits: 00:00:00 __ 001 What s coming up 00:01:50 __ 002 Getting the Data and Loading it into Numpy Arrays 00:09:39 __ 003 Data Exploration and Understanding the Structure of the Input Data 00:15:07 __ 004 Data Preprocessing One-Hot Encoding and Creating the Validation Dataset 00:26:29 __ 005 What is a Tensor 00:33:19 __ 006 Creating Tensors and Setting up the Neural Network Architecture 00:57:00 __ 007 Defining the Cross Entropy Loss Function the Optimizer and the Metrics 01:08:25 __ 008 TensorFlow Sessions and Batching Data 01:25:46 __ 009 Tensorboard Summaries and the Filewriter 01:43:46 __ 010 Understanding the Tensorflow Graph Nodes and Edges 01:59:24 __ 011 Name Scoping and Image Visualisation in Tensorboard 02:20:19 __ 012 Different Model Architectures Experimenting with Dropout 02:42:55 __ 013 Prediction and Model Evaluation
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