The Ghost Of - Forgotten

Artist: The Ghost Of Song: Forgotten This song was mapped by Blue Dragon, which actually has become a favorite player of mine as I watch the osu! World Cup. There’s not much I can really say about this song other than it wasn’t “cleanly“ put onto Youtube (as far as I know)... so I guess you could say it was... FORGOTTEN. Anyway, I don’t much know how to explain this, so I’ll just let Blue Dragon help: “You are dead. You are left there, your soul is wandering through Earth, with nothing to do, with no thoughts, no feelings, nothing at all, anymore. You have nowhere to go, and no one you can talk to. You can’t go back now. Everything has been done already, all the people you knew, all the feelings you had, all the things you did. The things you did are still there, in the heart of everyone, but your soul is forgotten for the rest of eternity. This map represents all of the pain you feel when dying, and everything that happens after your life.“ Thank you for adding such a great description onto your beatmap! :3 Background image: Pictures/
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