Air Hostess (1946)

Titles read: “AIR HOSTESS“. Location of events unknown - London? M/S of large airline taxiing on the tarmac of an airfield. Elizabeth Mackintosh, a young woman with blonde hair, walks across the field nearby, gazing at the aeroplane. It is her dream to fly! She walks towards the plane but is stopped from getting too near to it by an old man. They have a brief chat. We then see Elizabeth with three other girls, waiting for their interviews to be air hostesses. Elizabeth is wearing a great 40s hat. She goes into the interview room and the other women move up a seat. Great sequence with natural sound as Elizabeth is interviewed for the job. The man asks her why she wants to be a Star Girl. She says she is interested in people and in travel. Replying to further questions she says she speaks Spanish and French and mentions courses in first aid and catering. We next see Elizabeth having a (fully-clothed) medical examination and injections after getting the job. A bus takes new Star Girls to
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