Pro Tools TRACK FREEZE - Explained (PT12.4)

In this video we look at TRACK FREEZE in Pro Tools 12.4 and go over what you can and cannot do to a frozen track. Also, we look at how to freeze/unfreeze tracks, using freeze with Audio Tracks, using freeze with Aux Tracks, and using freeze with Instrument Tracks. We will also go over using Multiple Output Stems from plugins like BFD3 and Kontakt, and how that effects freeze. By using FREEZE we can render all audio/MIDI through all plugins on a track (or up to a certain insert) in order to save resources. Once frozen, the plugins that were included in the freeze will be deactivated/frozen - meaning they will no longer consume resources. You can add more plugins on a frozen track, but you cannot make any changes to frozen plugins unless you unfreeze the track first. Editing a frozen track is extremely limited. You can do some basic things like volume, pan, ect... but you cannot add fades, cut it up, move the track, change
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