Swimming Dragon Qigong for Strength, Flexibility & Healthy Spine - TCM Preventative Physical Therapy

Swimming Dragon Qigong is for Strength, Flexibility & a Healthy Spine. We mimic the dragon through coiling, twisting, stretching, and opposing force motions in order to develop resiliency - a harmony of strength and flexibility, as my teacher Lee Holden would say - throughout the body and mind. This style of Qigong is a little bit like Yoga, except you never have to put your weight on your hands. This flow was filmed next to the gorgeous Payette River about 2 hours north of Boise Idaho. Unfortunately my lights weren’t strong enough to illuminate me against the backdrop, so I had to increase the exposure so you could see me, which means you can’t see this beautiful river very clearly. I’ve finally caved and ordered a very expensive heavy duty portable light, so I will not be putting any scenery like this to waste again! Remember you can help support my productions by liking, commenting, subscribing, and, most of all, sharing!
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