Greetings traveller,
please make yourself comfortable, sit into a wooden chair by the hearth or lie down on a grass covered with leaves and listen to these songs woven with mystery.
Hope you will find something special,
Yours Pan
All these beautiful pictures, amazing songs belongs to the true owners, who are credited below.
1. Artist: Jeryce Dianingana -
2. Artist: Agustín Marceillac -
3. Artist: Vladimir Krisetskiy -
4. Artist: Yura Gvozdenko -
5. Artist: Tony Sart -
6. Artist: Wojtek Fus -
7. Artist: Niko Boiko -
Songs and Musicans:
1. 00:00 Hearthstone Main Theme: written by heartstone company -
2. 02:10 The Witcher Music Murky Waters Country Inn written by Paweł Błaszczak -
3. 4:13 Tavern Music | Dragon Age 2 (OST): written by Inor Zur -
4. 05:04 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt OST - Skellige Tavern: written by Marcin Przybyłowicz -
5. 06:05 The Coors-Toss The Feathers: written by Toss the Feathers -
6. 09:05 World of Warcraft - Taverns of Azeroth - 13 - Thunderbrew: written by David Arkenstone -
7. 11:05 TES V Skyrim Soundtrack - Around the Fire: written by Jeremy Soule -
8. 14:10 For the Dancing and the Dreaming Instrumental How to Train Your Dragon 2: written by John Powell -
9. 15:00 Prima Nocta 1: written by Seth Arian -
10. 18:07 Scotland | Glasgow | Clanadonia: written by Mark Richardson -
11. 21:06 Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Soundtrack - Tavern Theme 3: written by Jan Valta and Adam Sporka -
12. 21:51 Out of the Cold - TES V Skyrim: written by Jeremy Soule -
13. 24:48 The Bannered Mare - TES V Skyrim: written by Jeremy Soule -
14. 27:11 World of Warcraft - Taverns of Azeroth - 06 - Shady Rest: written by David Arkenstone -
15. 29:59 World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade [OST] #20 - Taverns: wrtten by Russell Brower -
16. 32:37 Medieval music - Saltarello: written by Arany Zoltán -
17. 34:59 A Tavern on the Riverbank - The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings: written by Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz -
18. 36:42 Faolan - Auld Tavern Song [Medieval Tavern Music]: written by Faolan -
19. 39:57 Faolan - Gaia’s Chant [Medieval Celtic Harp Music]: written by Faolan -
20. 43:36 Back on the Path - The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: written by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Percival -
21. 46:14 The Nightingale - The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: writen by Percival -
22. 47:53 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Soundtrack - A Story You Won’t Believe (Gwent / Tavern): written by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Percival -
23. 49:27 : unreleased track
24. 52:04 The Witcher 3 Tavern Song: written by Marcin Przybyłowicz -
25. 53:12 Drink Up, There’s More! - The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: written by Percival -
26. 54:49 A Bard’s Tale - Gwent: written by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Mikolai Stroinski -
27. 56:50 Merchants of Novigrad: written
by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Percival -
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