Trek Factory Tour – From Rolls Of Carbon Fiber To Complete Bikes In Waterloo, Wisconsin

We tour Trek’s home facility in Waterloo, WI, where carbon frames are made in the USA, painted and assembled into bikes. LIKE and SHARE this video! Subscribe to GCN: Get exclusive GCN gear in the GCN store! Sign up to the GCN newsletter: We take a look behind the scenes at Trek’s USA factory. As one of the only major brands still making carbon fiber frames in the USA, this was an incredible opportunity to find out just how carbon fiber is transformed from big rolls of fiber into finished bikes like the Madone. Also, the factory is home to Trek’s paintshop, where many all of their Project One bikes are painted up. More on Trek: More on Project One: More factory tours on GCN ▶︎ Aluminium vs Carbon Fiber bikes – what’s the difference? ▶︎ Buy NEW GCN cycling kit, casual wear and accessories in the GCN Shop:
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