DIY Ribbon Tutorial | How to make a layered ribbon bow for gift wrapping decoration | 禮物蝴蝶結做法
We need something new for gift decoration. How about making a layered bow with ribbon? Gift box will look unique and much more elegant. Great wrapping ideas for Christmas, anniversary, birthday, and holidays.
There are many types of gift wrapping ribbon bow ties ideas: single tie, double tie, cross tie, two corners tie, four corners tie. This video will show you the tutorial of TWO CORNERS TIE ( diagonal ribbon wrapping ) for gift box.
☞ Ribbon bow tie:
☞ Single gift tie:
☞ Cross tie making:
☞ pom-pom bow making:
【WRAP!SIR】Gift Ribbon Bow Tutorial - Layered Ribbon Bow
Making Materials:
Gift box
Double-sided tape
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