Sam Raimi vs. Guillermo Del Toro | Versus | Rotten Tomatoes

It’s of Hellboys and Spider-Men on this episode of ’Vs.’ as we pit two maestros of horror against the other: Sam Raimi and Guillermo Del Toro will go round for round towards creepy crawly victory. Can Del Toro withstand Raimi’s blockbuster box office numbers? Will the ’Evil Dead’ movies chainsaw through Best Picture-winner ’The Shape of Water’s Tomatometer and Audience scores? Does Raimi’s random baseball movie throw a curve at ’Pan’s Labyrinth’ iconic moments? And does having Bruce Campbell in all your movies mean you automatically win the best characters round? Tune in with host Mark Ellis to find out! Watch More: ► New on RT: ► Exclusive Interviews: ► Rotten Tomatoes Originals: ► Celebrity Games: Music: Courtesy of Extreme Music Join the Conversation: ► Subscribe to ROTTEN TOMATOES:
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