The Rocky History

Robert “Rocky“ Balboa, Sr. is a fictional character and the main protagonist portrayed by Sylvester Stallone who has appeared in the Rocky series from 1976 to 2006. During the series, he wins the Heavyweight Championship of the World twice. Robert Balboa was born on April 6, 1946. He was the only child to a Roman Catholic Italian-American family. It was revealed in Rocky II that Rocky’s black trunks with gold trim were the colors of his high school that he never graduated from. In the first film, Balboa was mentioned to be trained under the tutelage of trainers Brian D. and Christo P. These trainers were never again mentioned, but their presence nonetheless significant. During the scene in which Rocky takes Adrian skating on Thanksgiving, he tells him “Yeah -- My ol’ man who was never the sharpest told me -- I weren’t born with much brain so I better use my body.“ This encouraged him to take up boxing. He trained very hard so he could grow up to be like his idol Rocky
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