Tragedy | Hostiles

► My Brand New Film and Video games Essay Channel!: ► The times were not easy for the Natives, nor for some of the soldiers having to live through it. Hostiles is such an underrated movie, and I urge everyone to watch it, even if you watch this video first. It really pulls you into the tragedy of that era. It’s also a cinematic masterpiece, as many of the shots are perfectly filmed. Christian Bale also, I think, did some of his best acting in this movie, It feels very real, and authentic. Video available also in 4K. ───── Movie: Title: Hostiles Director: Scott Cooper Story by: Donald E. Stewart Music by: Max Richter (I used the movie soundtrack for this video) ───── Check out my other channels and social media to chat and explore: ► My Twitter Space: ► My Instagram: https://www.
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