WHY Ecuador? BUILDING PERMITS for RURAL Ecuador | What you NEED TO KNOW compared to U.S. PERMITS
A main reason why we chose to move to Ecuador was for the freedom - building freedom! In rural Ecuador, there are little to no permits required for the building of a home and homestead. Restriction and regulations are very slim, allowing us an affordable way to build the home and property of our dreams. No nickel and diming every little thing - septic permits, perc tests, drilling for wells, hiring engineers and contractors, and no over reaching regulations on what you can do with your own property!
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We are an American family living permanently in Ecuador, transforming a mostly-untouched 30 acres of jungle mountain into a working, self-sustainable, off-grid farm. There are a lot of trials, errors, successes, and lessons to be learned along the way. We hope to share it all with you, to tell our story, to inspire, and to hopefully help answer the questions you didn’t know to ask.
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Email: tinyhandsbigdreams@