EPK - Ensemble Flashback & Pierre Jodlowski / Crossing Points (Show)

The show “Crossing Points” is made up of two 25 minute pieces. The first one, called “Mad Max” was composed by Pierre Jodlowski, and the second “Crossing Points” was co-written by Alexander Vert and José-Miguel Fernandez from the Ensemble Flashback. Philippe Spiesser performs both pieces alone on the stage. Pierre Jodlowski’s “Mad Max“ is a piece based on a form of black humor, created around the eponymous (and “anti-hero“) character. The work is divided into three instrumental and scripted parts : the biker (percussion with motion sensors), the seducer (large bass drum) and the virtuoso (vibraphone and motion sensors). The second piece “Crossing Points“ is based on the subject of hypnotic trances. A system of double projection on the floor and the wall, allows the performer to be immersed in the magical universe of video. The performer wears gloves covered with motion sensors, enabling the hands of the instrumentalist to create the real-time sound synthe
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