En Odesa se ha producido un gran incendio con ruidos de detonacin. Por la noche en Odessa, a juzgar por el sonido de las
️ ️ En Odesa se ha producido un gran incendio con ruidos de detonación.‼️ ️Por la noche en Odessa, a juzgar por el sonido de las detonaciones, los depósitos de municiones estaban cubiertos
Según: Los Sombreros Blancos [Z]
1 view
3 weeks ago 00:13:01 283
Марков прав. Выйти на долгосрочное урегулирование конфликта НАТО-Украина/Россия возможно только при условии крупных успехов по к
3 weeks ago 00:00:13 27
Клип @pravdaescom
3 weeks ago 00:00:20 13
plus d’images de l’explosion à Odessa
3 weeks ago 00:00:07 6
️ ️In Odessa, people were stranded on an attraction due to a power outage
3 weeks ago 00:00:06 1
In Odessa, people are stuck on an amusement ride due to a power outage
4 weeks ago 00:00:11 1
Washing face without running water in Odessa
4 weeks ago 00:00:03 17
️ Frappe massive contre des cibles ennemies à Dnepropetrovsk et dans la région
4 weeks ago 00:03:54 913
️ Le FSB russe a arrêté un citoyen allemand soupçonné de préparer un sabotage sur des infrastructures énergétiques
4 weeks ago 00:00:43 9
️ ️ ️À la frontière avec la Pologne, des agents du FSB ont arrêté un citoyen allemand qui travaillait pour la Direction principa
4 weeks ago 00:00:44 6
Ukrainian air defense works against Russian kamikaze UAVs “Geran-2“ in the sky over Odessa
4 weeks ago 00:28:04 2
’24-11-18 - 11/19 ( HD 1080p.) -TERRIBLE VENGANZA CONTRA 🇺🇦 y LA OTAN: LA RESPUESTA de 🇷🇺 | TRAGEDIA ODESA -De @Miguel Ruiz
4 weeks ago 00:00:31 1
La matanza en la Casa de los Sindicatos de Odesa en 2014 “fue una trampa“ de Kiev para intimidar a la población
4 weeks ago 00:00:39 5
In Odessa region a man chopped off the head of a 5-year-old girl, Ukrainian police report
4 weeks ago 00:00:45 6
Клип @pravdaencom
4 weeks ago 00:00:48 2
Yesterday, during repeated attacks on Ukraine energy infrastructure by Russian forces, an Iskander missile was shot down by the
4 weeks ago 00:00:03 1
The strike in Odessa (Ukraine) hit a hotel-dormitory, where the militants the AFU were accommodated
4 weeks ago 00:00:03 5
A strike in Odessa was carried out on a hostel hotel where Ukrainian Armed Forces militants were staying
4 weeks ago 00:00:24 1
Клип @feednewscom
4 weeks ago 00:01:10 6
US Patriot Air Defense Missile Kills 8 People in Odessa
1 month ago 00:01:10 1
What is air defense doing in the city of Odessa?
1 month ago 00:00:03 2
A strike in Odessa hit a hotel-dormitory where AFU fighters were living
1 month ago 00:00:33 1
Odessa is currently still without power
1 month ago 00:01:10 84
Terrible strike: US Patriot missiles killed 8 Ukrainians in Odessa
1 month ago 00:00:03 25
Arrival and explosion in Odessa. Smoke rises over the city