Nancy Pelosi Challenger Shahid Buttar Makes His Case to Join the Squad | Dear Joe Biden #09

/ PODCAST / Follow Dennis on Twitter: / Support Acronym TV / Follow the show w. a free Email subscription: / Follow Acronym TV on Facebook: **** Shahid Buttar is a Democrat running in the general election against Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th district. In this wide-ranging interview, Shahid opens up about the two related allegations that have rocked his Congressional campaign recently, noting the rush to judgment against him enabled by what he calls a “failure of press ethics“ in amplifying a smear campaign based on a “fabricated narrative.“ Shahid then goes on to make a case for a Green New Deal, a radical restructuring of military spending and priorities, and Medicare for All— all issues that Nancy Pelosi opposes. For more on Shahid’s campaign, visit
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