Miss Scarlet And The Duke S04E04

⬇⬇⬇ More Exclusive 🎬 Miss Scarlet And The Duke S04E04 🍿 ✅🔥Episode Plot:🔥 Things are going well for Eliza until a familiar face shows up to question her role at Nash Sons. Meanwhile, Duke receives an offer that brings their relationship to a crisis point. 👩 Cast: Kate Phillips, Stuart Martin, Cathy Belton, Evan McCabe, Ansu Kabia ✅🔥Series Plot:🔥 When Eliza’s father dies, he leaves her penniless in a time where marriage is the only option for financial security. But the headstrong Eliza has an ace up her bonnet - her father’s business, a detective agency. But it’s Victorian London and, to operate in this man’s world, she needs a forward consummate rogue Detective Inspector William Wellington of Scotland Yard, aka “The Duke“.Eliza and Duke strike up a fiery relationship as they team up to solve puzzling crimes in the murkiest depths of 1880s London.
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