When I recall my childhood,
I feel like I am having a dream.
how does the little house look,
which used to sparkle with lights?
Does the little tree grow which I planted long ago?
Beltz, my little town! The little house where I spent my
The poor little room where I used to laugh with other
Every Shabes I would run to the river bank to play with
other children under a little green tree.
Belz, my little town!
My little town where I had so many fine dreams!
The little house is old and overgrown wit moss.
The old roof collapsed and the windows are without glass.
The attic is crooked, the walls bent.
I would never recognize it...
Az ikh tu mir dermonen
Mayne kindershe yorn,
Punkt vi a kholem
Zet dos mir oys.
Vi zet oys dos hayzele,
Vos hot amol geglantzt,
Tzi vakst nokh dos beymele,
Vos ikh hob
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5 months ago 00:03:54 1
The Alibi Sisters - Papirossen (Yiddish Song)
5 months ago 00:11:48 1
“Yiddish Glory. Lost songs of World War II“. Concert in Toronto. Korner Hall.
5 months ago 00:03:11 1
The Alibi Sisters - Dzhankoye - דז’אנקויה (Yiddish Song)