WASTED DEATH - Tomorrow’s Children Will Eat Algae (APF Records 2021)

Taken from Wasted Death: Ugly As Hell II - Uglier Than Hell, out on APF Records 13th August 2021. Buy it from: Wasted Death is a balls-out gutter punk metal band featuring Wayne Adams of Big Lad and Petbrick (with Igor Cavalera), Charlie Davis of Beggar and Tom Brewins of USA Nails. They’re a bit d-beat, a bit Converge, a bit noise rock, a bit fuckin’ special. Landing just four months after their debut EP Ugly As Hell (released by APF Records on 9th April), Charlie Davis says: “We reckon we’ve done it again on Ugly As Hell II: Uglier As Hell. The strings are all tuned to the same note, the drums are barrelling past at semi-legal speeds and the vocals are popping veins left right and centre. It’s another great big slap in the chops. This time we’ve ramped it up and broadened the influences. It’s our thrashed-up, snot-nosed punk/metal vibe, landing somewhere between Extreme Noise Terror and Conve
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