That’s Why Heaven is Forever..

..because we cannot bear to leave it after we get there.“ - C.L. Allen (Spoilers up to ) Title: That’s Why Heaven is Forever.. Song: Stay With Me Artist: Asche and Spencer Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Sam Winchester Summary: “What happened to me?“ First off, I would like to say that this was an idea that kind of raped my brain until I was finished with it. And I’m not completely sure, but there’s a 95% chance it was because of this fantastical video right here, by Coty (404ing), and for some reason links won’t work in here.. but it’s called “All Hope Abbandon, ye who enter here..“ and WATCH IT. NOW. Essentially, I have seen many incredible videos about Dean’s time in Hell, or Dean’s (AU) time in Heaven. Even one about Sam in Hell (again, AU). But I’d never seen anyone vid Sam’s perspective of when he died in . I mean, his memory was wiped, but we never even got a men
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