RIAK Live Coached Group Workout - To The Limit

In our ‘TO THE LIMIT’ series, the naked focus is on taking a sledgehammer to that aerobic threshold, knocking it down and building you back up with a mix of threshold, supra-threshold and VO2max efforts that will make your FTP squeal! WEEK 8 - Threshold to sprint rounds A change in approach this week as we introduce some anaerobic work off a threshold base. Even the purest endurance athletes must do a certain amount of anaerobic work because as they approach the end of a big event, their slow-twitch muscle fibres begin to fatigue and their fast-twitch fibres must pick up the slack. But if those fast-twitch fibres have little conditioning, they won’t be able to help out for long. Sessions like this are a great way of sprinkling anaerobic work into an otherwise threshold focused session.
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