how to set filter in microsoft office 2013

How to set sort or filter in microsoft excel 1)open ms excel 2013 2)create table to set filter Sr. No Name Roll no 1 Ram 1234 2 Shyam 3456 3 Mohan 8766 4 Akash 9865 5 Saurav 9876 6 Gaurav 9856 7 Rohit 2345 8 Mohit 6544 9 Ramesh 3456 10 Raman 2345 2 rohan 8765 3)now set filter 4)Thank you for watching my video 5)some more video you can see: How to get sum of the number in microsoft excel in windows 7 how to disabled internet connection in windows 7 How to change pointer for a mouse in windows 7 How to close registry editor in windows 7 How to add image watermark in video in windows 7 how to write text on image how to create company stamp
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