Смотри и думай... История 85. Странные существа Томаса Мерлина . Strange creatures Thomas Merlin

Description in English - below. Смотри и думай... История 85. Странные существа Томаса Мерлина . Look and think... the Story of 85. Strange creatures Thomas Merlin . “In the 1960s, in London, during the clearing of the place for the construction of a new residential quarter, an old, abandoned mansion, which belonged to a certain Thomas Theodor Merlin. In the basement of the house builders discovered hundreds of small wooden, tightly sealed boxes. What was their surprise, when they began to find inside the corpses of strange mythical creatures , which appeared, should have lived only in fairy tales ... Thomas Merlin was born in 1782 and spent his entire life wandering around the world in search of mysterious exhibits, and then decided to show his collected collection to the Americans. Only in 1899 no one appreciated such a great opening. The scientist overstepped the 117-year boundary, but contemporaries described him as a 40-year-old man ... Then he disappeared with his raritie
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