by 11 meters (32 by 36ft), 4 Bedrooms, Modern House Design (128 square mtr /1377square ft)
One-story House complete with:
-Living Area
-Dining Area
-4 Bedrooms
-3 Toilet & Bathroom
-Outdoor Seating, Dining and Garden
-Lot size: 15 by 15 meters
Link to Floor Plan:
(For Inspirational purposes only. Please seek a professional for your house plans). 👍
-The cost does not include the furniture, cabinetry, outdoor seating & garden.
-The cost only covers the overall structure of the house, windows, roof, etc.
-The mentioned estimated house cost in the video used materials and prices in the Philippines. The house costs can change greatly depending on the location of construction. The house design aims only to give you ideas for your future home.